Monday 24 May 2010

Why is it I always feel more inspired in cities?

Walking through the park a moment ago to Aldi, I felt inspired all of a sudden. I've not felt that way in years, like I wanted to write down everything I was feeling at that moment. It was a spring evening, seven o'clock, I was walking through Hullard Park in Old Trafford, Manchester, just yards from my new home. A load of Asian kids were running around on the grass throwing water balloons at each other, a skinny, shaven headed white man was walking his dog and a fat, wart-faced old white woman was plodding along behind him, you don't get scenes like this in North Devon.
My chest was feeling dull, I've realised now that I probably do experience things and take things to heart a little more extremely than your average man, even as a now fully grown adult. A girl told me earlier that she wanted to see me tomorrow but only after she'd spent time with another man. Now your average man would be sufficiently upset at this but it kind of just closed me down. I backed off completely, said if that's the case then I may not be able to see her at all because it'll be too late. This isn't really the case, I could have gone to see her a little later but the thought of her choosing and arranging to see that man purposely before seeing me really cut deep. It made me chest feel deflate and my stomach churn, real physical reactions that put me out and make my body tense up. I immediately tried to backtrack, said "well whenever you're free give me a ring and I'll try and make it along" but the damage may have already been done, it may have been a green light for her to disregard me entirely and spend all evening with this man.

There, do you understand what I mean? Completely over thinking things. Could you even bear five minutes in my head? Is it any wonder I find it so hard to communicate with the outside world at times when there is all of this constantly happening? What I'm finding now is that it's more important for me to force myself into social situations to silence the internal chatter, understand that people don't have such a problem with my closedness as I may imagine, I think a lot of people don't even notice it, they're too wrapped up in their own little worlds. And the more time you spend in such situations the less time you're thinking too much, it's hard to overthink when you're spending more time actually doing.

Which is where you found me tonight, walking through Hullard Park on my way to Aldi, when I'm overwhelmed with the beauty of a summer's evening I have less time to confuse myself with whatever's buzzing around my tortured skull. This also explains why I feel the need to take myself downstairs now, sit with the housemates and try and watch a bit of tele with them.

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