Tuesday 20 July 2010

Blue Tuesday

What a gloomy day it's been today. My heart has sank to somewhere about my diaphragm, my stomach keeps grumbling. Also thanks to last night being hideously humid I've been in a half-sleep state all day and will have to sleep in a bed minus pillow and duvet covers tonight due to the amount of sweat that oozed from me.

Basically grey skies = grey mind. Listening to Florence and The Machine which is nice. I discovered there's a brand new Mystery Jets album tonight too, well when I say brand new it is actually a couple weeks old now but I had no idea that it existed. When I listened to it it sounded good. Last night I listened to Mary Margaret O'Hara's Miss America which was good too, I'd listened to a couple of tracks of hers previously and wasn't too taken but hearing the album in full I was majorly impressed.

The rain's still pouring out and there's an ambulance siren going in the distance. Welcome.

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