Sunday 20 June 2010

Future classics.

I occasionally get massive ideas of massive novels I will write. I got one on the bus home a moment ago. This one is a ginormous concept and I wouldn't be able to write it until I'd written three or four others already. But basically it's a giant plotline taking in the whole spectrum of society. Part conspiracy theory based, focussing on the untouchable few at the top of the pile, the leaders of the banks, businesses, politics, all up in their ivory tower planning world events and agendas, and then down to the normal person on the street who can't or wouldn't accept that anything like that would happen in real life, as they just lap up mass media and work the 9-5.

It sounds very cliched when put like that, but the whole point would be that there would be a narrative within it, normal people leading normal lives which unbeknownst to them is a complete lie. There's a complete worldview that I have fragments of in my head, I'm currently putting it together myself but when it's compiled it will all be set out within this book, in the guise of fiction.

Before that though I have to write my first novel, which will be a slice of life, slightly autobiographical story about an awkward, directionless, 20-something man with masses of wasted potential, in modern Britain, working in a supermarket, living the life of an underachiever but trying to make something more of himself, whilst trying his hardest to overcome his absolute apathy.

Currently I'm not sure what the second novel will be. It could be a collection of short stories, it could be a total piece of fantasy writing. It's completely unplanned as of yet, which is cool.

I will write all of the above before I am 40. That's a long time frame I know but I'm in no rush.

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