Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Libertines Reunion Musings

I am having to sit out this Libertines reunion furore as sadly I am about 200 miles away from London and completely skint. In hindsight there were ways that I could have maybe afforded it but hindsight is a beautiful and terrible thing. So simply, I am trying not to think about it. Which gets harder as more of my facebook, twitter and messageboards I post on realise they want to go and acquire tickets.

So when I appear to be completely ignoring it, I'm not. I would severely love to be down the front of the Forum tomorrow night. Here's hoping they reform properly and tour again, or at least announce more gigs after these. I am fully clued up now in as much as knowing how cheap it is to get a coach down to London, and have run through in my head how simple it would be to book a couple days holiday from work/call a sickie, so I'm all ready and able.

Ok I'm done on this subject. Tonight I shall watch the Big Brother final from the comfort of my bed, tomorrow night I shall do something else even to fill my time, and on the weekend I shall be in Devon. Never shall what I'm missing cross my mind.

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