Monday, 2 August 2010

BAM! Another Interview Down

Around 11pm last night I managed to complete my piece of writing about why I would be good at working within the industrial division of this recruitment firm, and I emailed it over to them as requested. This morning I checked my phone during my break at work, had a missed call from the agency so I rang them back. They wanted to see me for another interview, this time with the head of the industrial division. Got one booked for after work.

So after work today I went in, had a chat with them, got told what the job would require, where it would lead, all the important bits and pieces, and it seemed to go ok. They have a few more people to interview but the guy said I may possibly be asked back for a third interview with the director of the company if I'm successful.

The only thing I wasn't so happy about is the fact that as I was going straight from work I had no time inbetween to spruce myself up. When I looked at myself in the mirror when I got home I looked an absolute state. My hair was everywhere, my eyes looked possessed, I looked generally flustered. I'm hoping this happened between the interview and home though, I was pretty much in a daze for a while immediately after.

So now I just sit and wait with crossed fingers. I would so like this job. My current job is wearing me down now. It's doing the same to the people I work with too. The office is kind of divided into two at the moment. Three of us are relatively normal, the other half could easily have just stepped off the set of Shameless. General bad atmosphere everywhere, makes for very unenjoyable workdays.

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